Saving money is one of the smartest things you can do as a consumer these days. Buying a refurbished cell phone from is smart in more ways than one. For example the Motorola Droid X Android cell phone for Verizon, like new, sells for just $78.95 on MobileCellMart, compared to hundreds of dollars to purchase it outright when it was first released in 2010. (Cell phones that cost hundreds of dollars brand new are often "sold" by carriers for much less initially, but customers pay eventually through their long term contracts). Another reason a refurbished phone is a smart buy concerns cell phone durability and longevity. Most cell phones that make it into the resale market are remarkably resilient. The simple fact that they have survived one owner already and are still working proves they can "take a licking and still keep ticking". checks all the refurbished phones to make sure they are in full working order. Used phones are...
Your Bargain Finder for Flip Phones, Texting Phones, Android, iOs, SmartPhones. AT&T, Verzion, T-Mobile, Sprint